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The Ineffable Quality of Caterpillars
Middle Grade Contemporary: Selected for AMM Round 8

Trailer created by @Mrs_E_Kane

When 12 year old Thea is diagnosed with cancer, she discovers nothing is certain. Not her future, not her blood counts,

not even her relationship with her best friend, Maribel. It’s a good thing Thea has her caterpillars.

Because Caddie, Blackwell, and Pythia aren’t ordinary caterpillars.

They can tell the future.

Thea knows this sounds crazy, so she keeps it a secret. But when the caterpillars’ power of prediction falters and a serious accident occurs, Thea must undergo a metamorphosis in how she sees her friendships and the world around her. 

The Ineffable Quality of Caterpillars

Wish Not For War
Middle Grade Fantasy

Girl From Taszala (1) (1).jpg
Filli wants to have her friends get along. But when war arrives at her island home, she's forced to make a  choice. Stay and fight with impulsive Zebu? Or escape with the planner, Dejqa? Each choice leads to danger and a magical book that allows Filli--and the reader--to travel both paths.

Ripple DePue's Kindness Crew
Middle Grade Contemporary


Ripple DePue has a big problem. She needs to do five hours of volunteers by Friday, or else she won’t be eligible for the academic camp of her dreams.

Since no one is letting a seventh grader volunteer anywhere, Ripple comes up with a desperate plot. She’ll make up her own club, the Kindness Crew, and sign off on the hours herself. But when the so-called school bully discovers this deception and blackmails her, Ripple will have to lie, steal, and cheat in order to keep the truth hidden. Is it worth it?  

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